Posted November 28, 2023

Formacoat Receives Multiple Excellence Awards from Medical Device Network

Formacoat, a leading provider of contract medical device coating services, is proud to announce the company is a Category Award Winner for Innovation, Investments and Research and Development in the 2023 Medical Device Network Excellence Awards.

Formacoat has been investing into its 3D printing capabilities through the development of the 3D Print Lab allowing them to print anything needed for a client project much faster than would previously be the case.

The company’s growth can be seen through its need for new facilities. Having only moved into its current headquarters in 2020, the company has already doubled its floor space through the purchase of a second building. As well as allowing for increased manufacturing capacity, the new building will also allow Formacoat to further its research and development projects.

The Medical Device Network Excellence Awards is an independent recognition program powered by the business intelligence of GlobalData and is one of the largest, most prestigious, and widely recognized programs throughout the industry.  For more information on the Medical Device Network Excellence Awards, please visit their website.